4 Essential Tips On Taking Care Of Jewelry In Summer
The summer season is almost here! The chances are good that you have already made plans to enjoy lots of sunshine and hot weather. Whether you plan to explore an exotic destination or spend more time with family and friends at pool parties, there is one thing you need to take care of—your jewelry. It’s not uncommon to overlook fine pieces of jewelry that we wear to accessorize our overall summer look and regret it later. Besides shopping for quality jewelry from reputable jewelry stores in Dallas , learn the following tips on taking care of jewelry by heart before you get carried away by the excitement of summer vacation. Keep away from chlorine water It’s not a new thing to mention that swimming pools have chemical additives, like chlorine, to make the water safe for swimmers. However, these chemicals, specifically chlorine, are not good for jewelry. They may cause discoloration or damage to precious metals and gemstones, ruining their polish and finish and giving them a ...